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Millennial2020Summit Sharewood ConsumerTech Awards

StartupItalia! publishes an article about Sharewood winning the Travelling & Hospitality Award at the Accenture ConsumerTech Awards at #M2020, the Millennial 20/20 Summit. Sharewood is the AirBnB of Outdoor Sports Enthusiasts. The social network of sports equipment. And it is one of the four startups that are the winners of the ConsumerTech Awards at the…

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Sharewood wins at Startup Italian Open

Sharewood wins 1st prize at the Startup Italian Open #BTO2016. The ninth consecutive edition of BTO – Buy Tourism Online, the benchmark event on the Travel & Innovation: Wednesday, November 30 and Thursday, December 1, in Florence, still at the Fortezza da Basso. The award is indeed prestigious: the winner of Startup Italian Open has…

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Sharewood at Slush! in Helsinki

Sharewood at Slush! The startup has stand D5 at this important event in Helsinki, Finland. Slush is a matching event between founders and investors. It has grown from a 300 person assembly to a world-renowned event of 15000, with 1700 startups and 800 investors. The philosophy behind Slush remains the same: to help the next…

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TocTocBox in the press “Giornale di Brescia”

LINK to the original article: 1 November 2016 Giornale di Brescia The TocTocBox team in the regional press, il Giornale di Brescia, on Tuesday November 1, 2016. With an article by Chiara Daffini. In the picture, from left to right, Giancarlo Faglia, Emanuele de Santis, Umberto Pompei and Ruggero Fede. Having a good business idea…

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Sharewood reaches finals sharingeconomy @Wolves Summit

12 April Warsaw, Poland Wolves Summit is a Polish conference for startups, investors, corporations and entrepreneurs from all around the world. SHAREWOOD with CEO Piercarlo Mansueto reached the finals, for startups in the sharingeconomy category, at the 3rd edition. Wolves Summit is focusing on networking among C-level corporate executives, tech companies, investors and startups. It…

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