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Round di crowdfunding di GardenStuff COMPLETATO

Il round per il progetto ELIoT di GardenStuff è stato completato.Informazioni tecniche su #ELIoT LINK.Informazioni sui prezzi LINK.La campagna si è conclusa con un finanziamento in overfunding del 190%. Non male per la seconda campagna di crowdfunding [la prima campagna è stata nel 2019 con Opstart]. Un caloroso ringraziamento a tutti gli investitori della campagna,…

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WORLDZ Pitch at 1776 Challenge Cup – Joshua Priore

The Milan edition of the 2017 Challenge Cup at the TAG, Talent Garden via Merano. With 20 startups.  Pitching for 2 minutes each + 1 minute for the jury’s questions. Last but not least to come upstage, Joshua Priore (see picture at top) with a “smashing”, high quality and professional pitch. Challenge Cup is a…

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Sharewood published by financial newspaper “Il Sole 24 Ore”

The startup Sharewood has won the newspaper headlines in today’s edition of the leading Italian financial newspaper. And for good reason: it has reached another significant milestone. For the first time in Italy, a startup has been able to convince more than 100 investors simultaneously, to invest their money in a single equity crowdfunding campaign.…

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Worldz sul sito d’informazione web “Che Storie”

Worldz sta facendo notizia su StartupItalia!, Ninja Marketing,  e Facciamo Impresa, ed anche Eco di Bergamo, Il Resto del Carlino, Radio Kaos, Radio1 Rai, etc. etc. Questo è ora confermato da un nuovo, utile, articolo divulgativo, appena pubblicato su Che Storie, il sito che tratta di web, innovazione, startup, e tanto altro. Il motto del…

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Sharewood wins at Startup Italian Open

Sharewood wins 1st prize at the Startup Italian Open #BTO2016. The ninth consecutive edition of BTO – Buy Tourism Online, the benchmark event on the Travel & Innovation: Wednesday, November 30 and Thursday, December 1, in Florence, still at the Fortezza da Basso. The award is indeed prestigious: the winner of Startup Italian Open has…

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Your mentor speaks at @Open Milano for English Corner and Team2Grow

On Wednesday 16th of November your mentor speaks about: startups, the startup ecosystem, the stages of growth pre-seed and seed stages the growth of startups, and the need for know-how and expertise metrics and traction the mentor the professional manager win-win More information about the event, in the official invitation: Team2Grow Srl hereby invites you…

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Worldz pubblicato da “Facciamo Impresa”

Worldz spiegato bene da Andrea Pastore, che intervista Joshua Priore. Ripubblichiamo un articolo su Facciamo Impresa del 28 ottobre 2016. L’articolo è in italiano ed lo pubblichiamo così come è. L’originale lo trovate qui.   Worldz, la startup che ti consente di risparmiare se condividi i tuoi acquisti Pubblicato da Andrea Pastore 28/10/2016 Quante volte…

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TocTocBox in the press “Giornale di Brescia”

LINK to the original article: 1 November 2016 Giornale di Brescia The TocTocBox team in the regional press, il Giornale di Brescia, on Tuesday November 1, 2016. With an article by Chiara Daffini. In the picture, from left to right, Giancarlo Faglia, Emanuele de Santis, Umberto Pompei and Ruggero Fede. Having a good business idea…

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TocTocBox in the press, Italian financial newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore

TocTocBox “ecco il corriere ecologico”, an article in the leading financial newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore of Friday, October 21, 2016. This article about TocTocBox explains its business model, peer 2 peer, in the sharing economy. Website TocTocBox [Shipping is easier-Travel more Affordable] A year ago, this startup has succeeded an equity crowdfunding campaign on CrowdFundMe…

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Worldz in the press, “Eco di Bergamo” #casidisuccesso

Interesting article describing the activity of Worldz measures your social activity, popularity and credibility within your network. With the algorythm it transforms this in a value, the Worldz Wallet. You can then get a discount, based on this value, and thus monetizing this on the ecommerces which partner with Worldz. You just need to…

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