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L’importanza del pH nella gestione del verde

L’importanza del pH nella gestione del verde dentro e fuori casa e come la domotica con i sensori dell’infrastruttura ELIoT ci aiuta a farlo Domotica applicata al verde Quali problematiche si vuole risolvere mediante l’installazione di un giardino domotico?  Se vogliamo integrare la natura intorno a noi, negli ambienti in cui viviamo, è necessario farlo…

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ELIot at GITEX in Dubai

Gardenstuff at GITEX in Dubai

Thanks to ICE (Italian Trade Agency) Gardenstuff will have the opportunity to participate in The GITEX in Dubai where ELIot will exhibit in the first week of December. The team wanted to seize this great opportunity and chose to be present in the United Arab Emirates to make themselves better known as an innovative Start-Up…

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HOMI Home & Dehors

HOMI – Home & Dehors

ELIot the award winning vertical garden with #IOT technology. Designer Nicolò Orlandi. The founder of Gardenstuff, Francesco Tirinnanzi, pictured at the Homi fair in Rho (Milan, Italy). The team prepared a stand for the new product the company has developed. ELIot ia an intelligent, AI assisted, vertical garden for the home. It can be used…

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