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#CPIT2 Campus Party Milano con Sharewood

Sharewood Sports Outdoor – Turismo Esperienziale Speaker Piercarlo Mansueto Sharewood è la startup italiana che cambia il volto dello sport da tour operator. Durante lo speech il CEO, Piercarlo Mansueto, ha illustrato l’evoluzione e la crescita della startup. Fino a diventare un adventure tour operator (turismo esperienziale). Con l’espansione Internazionale di Sharewood e come ha…

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#SIOS17 Sharewood published in “Il Giorno”

SHAREWOOD DOES IT AGAIN Published in the Italian Newspaper “Il Giorno” on Thursday 21 December 2017 Special Award Turismo e Cultura #turismoecultura At the Open Summit 2017 organized by StartupItalia! the startup Sharewood has been awarded a special prize and award by the jury for its achievements in the Tourism Industry, as a startup. The…

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Millennial2020Summit Sharewood ConsumerTech Awards

StartupItalia! publishes an article about Sharewood winning the Travelling & Hospitality Award at the Accenture ConsumerTech Awards at #M2020, the Millennial 20/20 Summit. Sharewood is the AirBnB of Outdoor Sports Enthusiasts. The social network of sports equipment. And it is one of the four startups that are the winners of the ConsumerTech Awards at the…

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Sharewood published by financial newspaper “Il Sole 24 Ore”

The startup Sharewood has won the newspaper headlines in today’s edition of the leading Italian financial newspaper. And for good reason: it has reached another significant milestone. For the first time in Italy, a startup has been able to convince more than 100 investors simultaneously, to invest their money in a single equity crowdfunding campaign.…

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