On Wednesday 16th of November your mentor speaks about:
- startups, the startup ecosystem, the stages of growth
- pre-seed and seed stages
- the growth of startups, and the need for know-how and expertise
- metrics and traction
- the mentor
- the professional manager
- win-win
More information about the event, in the official invitation:
Team2Grow Srl hereby invites you to participate, on 16.11.16 at 18.30 c/o OPEN Milano a Coworking Space in Viale Montenero, 6 – Milan, Italy.
The event is organized by English Corner in collaboration with T2G, and focusses on Start-Ups.
An event during which various themes will be discussed, from how to approach managers and mentors, up to, what tools we can recommend to use, and how startups can leverage social media platforms.
The 1st speech on behalf of Team2Grow will be delivered by testimonial and member Marnix Groet.
Andrea Boscaro will speak on behalf of The Vortex in the 2nd speech.
#casidisuccesso #marnixgroet #Team2Grow GroetConsulting